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* In administrationGUI possible to search for ExtItemNo also for custom products (like it is for templatebased products)
* Option to clear reference-fields in cart has changed so it only applies to InvoiceReference-field + any custom reference-fields. The ordinary reference-field loads its value now, regardless, from the Default orderReference defined on the user.

*New functionality:*
* ID’s added to login-tabs for easier styling of tabs to differentiate these (CSS-ID’s are “tab_sso”, “tab_login” and “tab_reg”)
* “DefaultOrderReference” added as field for userimport.
* Setting for disabling approval on product-level introduced. If a user without approval-right only orders products that don’t require approval the cart bypasses normal approval-procedure
* Setting for stock-controlled products for enabling notifying the responsible person when a product’s available stock is changed from negative or empty to a positive number. Email-Templatefilename is r_stockavailable.html
